Just to be clear, coondog. You don't have to use xchange2 app. You can also edit it on your ctx. You should reread your manual. The COMBINE ID PROFILE is kind of hidden. You have to scroll down. It is after 50 TONE CONDUCTIVE ID PROFILE(KEEPT SCROLLING DOWN,). You can edit the ID PROFILES in any mode you have stored on your CTX. I hope that's clear. Using the CTX to EDIT MODES**** you can only EDIT the MODE you have selected to DETECT with.****** It is by far the most adjustable ID PROFILE. That's why many people use it. after you have COMBINE ID PROFILE SELECTED you can adjust the size of the bins, even seperating the ferrous tones(NORTH TO SOUTH) from conductive on the ferrous numbers but also has 4 bins for conductive tones(WEST TO EAST NUMBERS). I am using north, south, east, west, as a form of direction for up, down, left, right), Whatever makes sense to you. Also you can EDIT the pitch of each of the 5 individual bins in the COMBINE ID PROFILE.
I hope this makes sense. Any more questions just ask. Please reply that you understand.