I went out this morning, knowing that the weather is going to be bad tomorrow. It was 28 degrees this morning, but sunny and not too windy, so it was OK. First target was a deep copper signal, which looked like a large cent at first, but turned out to be a large flat button, with no markings at all. It's also thin, half the thickness of a LC. The 1920 merc. was one of the deepest dimes I have ever dug, the depth scale was reading about 10 inches, and the signal was faint but repeated in all four directions. It was at least 8 inches deep. I don't think I nicked it on the left side of the date, it looks like old damage. The circular mark on the face I have seen on other old dimes, but don't remember was causes it (coin rolling machine?). Also found the $1.00 gaming token from "The Treasury" casino and hotel in Las Vegas. Seven wheats: 1917, 1919, 1920(2), 1945, 1947, and one unreadable. The bus token is not old, probably 60s or 70s. Doug