There really two detectors. The Edge is closer to the ID Excel than the Coinstrike.
The Edge is a lot easier to set up, and learn. It's not bothered by the hot rocks as much as the Coinstrike. It's really not a problem with the Coinstrike either, but the Edge does better with them.
It was mentioned that the ID numbers were more stable on the ID Edge over the Coinstrike. One needs to understand with the Coinstrike you have a choice as to how you want to look at the ID numbers. You can choose instant or accumulative. In the instant mode, the numbers would be a bit jumpy. One other thing with the jumpy numbers on the Coinstrike, sweep speed. The biggest problem is that if the coil is sweep to slow with the Coinstrike, the ID becomes a bit jumpy in the instant mode, it's at least noticeable more. The Coinstrike is a fast sweep unit. It performs best with a brisk sweep speed. The ID Edge is better with a slower sweep speed.
A fast sweep speed with a Coinstrike will produce the deepest results. This is perhaps the biggest problem area I have noticed with those Coinstrike users that were not happy with their units. They were all use to slow sweeping. The C$ will work there, but it's far happier being sweep fast. Because of this, not only is the depth improved, but the target ID is, and the discrimination is.
If I had one to choose from, it would be the Coinstrike, certainly now when you can purchase a new one with a lifetime warranty for $550. There's not many left.
I have to be careful what I say about the ID Edge, Bill Ladd will let the air out of my tires the next time we hunt together if I say something dark about the ID Edge.

The ID Edge was his baby. He helped developed it for Fisher. He, and the engineer spent a bit of time together in RI, field testing the prototypes.