We've been detecting "old" schools/parks in GA, NC, KY, AL for over 40 years now. Used to recover 20-25 coins per hour...about 5-8 of them silver. "Good" rings...Mostly sterling, some gold. And, from time-to-time we'd pull a CW button or bullet. For a number of reasons, that has pretty much come to a halt...Not the least of which is the lack of new silver coins/relics being lost & the availability of W/Mart type rings that look "real". In addition, it seems that everybody & their mother in the South now has at least one detector. And when they run out of places to hunt relics, they hit the old schools to keep in practice.
Additionally, due to the influx of "badguys", a la Columbine, a large percentage of schools are now fenced, gated & locked after hours.
There are a lot of old "historical" school sites that are now scrap yards, police stations, etc., & sometimes new schools.
Is there enough clad available to keep you in batteries, sodas, etc.? Probably. But don't count on paying for your 'tector in the first 2-3 months.
Now, the GOOD NEWS! Other than the heat of July/August, it's tough to beat the weather, usually. And most importantly, it's still FUN!
So come on down!