hello folks. i have acquired a coinhunter featherweight vlf/tr push button, top control, with a twin circuit 10.5 coil. I believe it was made 77 to 78 or so. the unit is on the blink. wont even turn on. set up for years. i have an old friend that is starting back doing some electronics work, ham operator, so trained. we really need a schematic, or going to have to do it the hard way. I used to have a groundhog, and i understand or have been told that this was an early version. the hog was heavy,so traded . i just use a lite unit of another brand now, but would really like to get this old boy going. my buddy can extend a cable to hip mount it, and put an arm cuff, IF we can get it going. can anybody help? would like to be a member of the Garrett community again, but new purchase not in tight budget. any suggestions appreciated.