I have not metal detected for about 4 years. It's a fever with me. Either have it or don't. Anyway-just bought a Coin strike used for a good price. Seems to me-any detector that can evoke so much controversy most be a damn good detector! If Mr. Bill & Bill Ladd like it &Iknow I'm leaving a few out-that's good enough for me!
Anyone remember all the dissent caused by the Explorer 1 when it was first introduced. I do! Especially-it seemed-from people with Whites detectors. I never though the Explorers were that easy to operate until you got used to them. Doesn't seem to have hurt their popularity.
That new Explorer with USB; why they didn't put a GPS logger chip on there is beyond me. They are NOT(the chip) that expensive. And there are a bunch of different manufacturers
Anyone remember all the dissent caused by the Explorer 1 when it was first introduced. I do! Especially-it seemed-from people with Whites detectors. I never though the Explorers were that easy to operate until you got used to them. Doesn't seem to have hurt their popularity.
That new Explorer with USB; why they didn't put a GPS logger chip on there is beyond me. They are NOT(the chip) that expensive. And there are a bunch of different manufacturers