Here's a question I've been wondering about...
I can detect and dig dimes to 8 inches with the F75, probably deeper. My hand is 7.5 inches long, so I've got good depth calibration. However, if I dig an 8 inch hole and bury my own dime, then pack the dirt down, I typically can't detect the target. Same thing happens even if I don't fill the hole. Is there some "target shadowing" going on here, where the geometry of the hole itself is preventing the EM signal from reaching the coin? Is this due to a lack of a 'halo' effect because the coin has not been buried for a long time? A bit of both?
I can detect and dig dimes to 8 inches with the F75, probably deeper. My hand is 7.5 inches long, so I've got good depth calibration. However, if I dig an 8 inch hole and bury my own dime, then pack the dirt down, I typically can't detect the target. Same thing happens even if I don't fill the hole. Is there some "target shadowing" going on here, where the geometry of the hole itself is preventing the EM signal from reaching the coin? Is this due to a lack of a 'halo' effect because the coin has not been buried for a long time? A bit of both?