Low-Boy/LCPM said:
What coil are you using for the Impact and what do you like about it?
You asked "what coil" we are using, as if we only use one coil at all. I'd bet most Impact users make use of at least 2 search coils, but since there are many different site environments and type of targets we want, or amount od debris to deal with, I can make use of each of the search coils I have for my two Nokta's. However, I do have my preferences for different sites as follows:
My #1 favorite search coil is the round, open-frame 7" Concentric that I keep mounted on my most-used Impact. Usually from sometime in March through sometime in October, depending upon the weather and site environment, I spend the bulk of my time Relic Hunting. Those places are usually trashy to very trashy and can have a really dense scattering of nails and other ferrous junk. From that transition period in October through the change-over in March, I'll usually be pitting in more Coin & Jewelry Hunting time in cities and towns. I have found the 7" Con. to be just about the best 'general-purpose' search coil for both Relic Huntuing and Coin Hunting as it handles a lot of tough trash conditions, the Discrimination is great in iron debris, the visual and audio Target ID responses are tighter and more consistent than with most DD coils, and Pinpointing is a snap!
My 2nd / 3rd favorite is the round 5" DD coil. When Relic Hunting around very dense weeds, sagebrush, fallen-down rock structures or very dense debris of building rubble, I found the 5" DD to provide me exceptional performance, especially in dense iron nail conditions where small or very small coins and other desirables can be in the mix. Also, I use it as a trade-off for some urban Coin & Jewelry Hunting in tot-lots were there is a lot of metal structures to be dealt with since I can work it closer and in-between most of the offending equipment.
A very close #3 / #2 favorite, since they are basically tied for an important coil to put to use,
is the new open-frame 5X9½ DD which I keep mounted on my 2nd Nokta Impact. Honestly, it is a tough decision
for me to make as to which of these two coils, the 5" DD or 5X9½ DD, I wanted to keep mounted on my other Impact. I definitely use the 7" Concentric the most, by far, but I like the mid-sized 5X9½ DD in more open sites for slightly better coverage on the side-to-side sweep when iron nails are the primary pieces of trash I encounter.
Coming in 4th that I use is the 4X7½ DD. When I am mainly working tot-lots or other playground / recreation sites and dealing with metal structures and more confined spaces, this is my go-to search coil when I opt for anything other than my 7" Concentric for chasing urban Coins & Jewelry.
My 5th coil-of-choice is, surprisingly, the 14X15 DD which I know isn't what most 'average' Hobbyists would choose. But it fits my needs and wants very well because I mainly hunt very dense iron littered sites with the 7" Concentric and 5" DD coils, and low-to-moderate trash locations with the 5X9½ DD. Other than those needs, I do get calls to do 'contract searches' and the lost or buried objects are often modest to larger-size objects or containers. It's also a handy coil for wide-open spaces with minimal targets and it provides me with both coverage and attainable depth of detection.
Finally my 6th coil of choice is the 'standard' 7X11 DD. Again, if I am after larger-size objects, hunting a wide-open area with minimal targets, or trying to get coverage and/or depth, the big coils handles in. When 90% of the detecting I do is in moderate, heavy or very dense debris areas that have a lot of closely-spaced iron nails, rusty tin and other ferrous trash, the 4X7½, 5" and 7" coils can handle all those needs
[size=small](in reverse order as listed here)[/size], and for almost everything else the new 5X9½ open-frame DD gets the job done just about as well as the 7X11 but it's lighter and nicely balanced.
The Impact gives as a choice of 12 search modes, so a 'favorite' will differ among those using the Impact. There are a lot of adjustment functions for each mode, and no doubt we are all going to pick and choose the settings we prefer for the sites we usually hunt. And with the excellent selection of search coils Nokta makes for the Impact [size=small]
(4X7½ DD, 5" DD, 7" Concentric, 5X9½ DD, 7X11 DD and 14X15 DD)[/size] there's no doubt that many of us will have differing opinions of what might work best for our needs.
I'd still guess, however, that once anyone gets some hunt-time in with the 7" Concentric coil it will be at or near the top of the favorite pick.