I plan on buying a xterra70 next week.
Here is my thinking about the coils. 9" 3K instead of the 9" 7.5k. Because when I use that coil I will be mostly interested in coins.
The 10" 7.5k for my general coil as I want depth. There is a place on lake Huron here in Mi that I think has some very old coins but they be very deep. I've hunted there with a Garrett 2500 and never found anything worth keeping.
But what do you think of my coil choices?
Thank you
Here is my thinking about the coils. 9" 3K instead of the 9" 7.5k. Because when I use that coil I will be mostly interested in coins.
The 10" 7.5k for my general coil as I want depth. There is a place on lake Huron here in Mi that I think has some very old coins but they be very deep. I've hunted there with a Garrett 2500 and never found anything worth keeping.
But what do you think of my coil choices?
Thank you