I saved them to my files andy (as usual with your advice).
A few comments on each:
1. Don't swing it to fast, you will lose depth.
I dont. Sometimes in a park playground or sandy swing area Ill pick up the pace a tad, as most things arent all that deep in such areas. But when I hit a target I begin to pattern around it, hunting for the "pocket"
2. Hunt with low Disc and use your thumb to turn the disc control up or down to check the target.
'Cut my teeth on a Silver Sabre II - this method became the ingrained. Im glad Tesoro moved the controls to the top
3. Set the threshold to the point where you can hear it well (in ALL Metal Mode)and ground balance the detector right. You have to GB it even if you hunt in disc mode later.
I like to GB just ever so slightly positive and keep the THRESH at a barely audible thereafter - unless Im SuperTuned.
4. Use headphones.
Normally digi types.
5. The 5.75 coil will impress you...have fun.
Thanks man. I get to lots of common "towny" type sites so Im looking forward to the smaller coil.
YOU da man, Andy