I agree with the above. The difference between the 3 khz and the 7.5 Kkhz may not be a big one, but when you are searching right on the edge, it can make the difference between finding a coin or not. The good thing about the coils for the X-Terra 70 is that they are not all that expensive. Several good finds can easily pay for one. It's nice to take several coils with you to a new spot and if one is not getting the results you expect, another just might. No one coil or even one detector is perfect for everything.
I'm one of those people who love to experiment, so having extra coils helps keep my interest peaked. My next coil will be the 10.5" 7.5 DD, a lot of people are very happy with them. I already have the stock coil, 6" DD 18.75 and the 5 X 10 18.75 DD.
Good hunting, John K