As a general rule of thumb I've found that a concentric's max coil size to still be sensitive and show more depth on coin sized targets is about 10". Any bigger and they don't seem to hit as good on coin sized targets so they don't show an increase in depth, at least in my somewhat mineralized soil. Now, some say about 12" is max concentric size to still see gains in depth, but I bet that's in good low mineral soil. DD coils tend to hold their sensitivity to coin sized targets as they get larger, and also see less ground so they handle the minerals better at those bigger sizes. I always guessed by reading posts that about 14 to maybe 15" was the max DD coil size to still show improvements in depth on coin sized targets. However, I found the 15x12 got less depth in my soil on a dime than even my stock 10" coil. Just seeing too much ground signal and washing or degrading the target out with it, even though it would run at very high sensitivity settings....As I found a lower setting gave better ID at depth in my soil with it. The 12x10 does show improvements in depth over my stock 10" coil in my soil, so I'm now guessing either 12 or 13" is about the max size a coil can be in my soil and still show improvements in depth on coin sized targets. The 12x10 has such a sharp and less "fuzzy" field that I feel it actually rides on and sees less ground than even my stock 10" coil, so I'm not even sure a round 12 or 13" coil might show increased depth over my stock 10" coil because conventional round DD coils will see more ground signal than the 12x10 in my opinion. Some guys even say in really bad soil their 8" coils get more depth than their 10" coils.