that's a good question, bh landstar. once attention has been called to it, it doesn't seem trivial anymore! i guess i have a strange way of wrapping...i go ccw like you do, but my first 2 or 3 rounds are together, allowing a small amount of slack. it makes the base wire very strong that way, while helping to keep the coil in it's position. i wrap the first three with black tape, continuing up the mast, then do the same near the coil port. every six inches or so is wrapped with black tape. i don't like using zip ties; they catch too much, theyr'e not easy to remove in the field, and have to be snipped off, increasing the chances of cutting the coil wire. i hunt in the woods a lot, so the strong wraps are important to me. zip ties are ok to use if you don't hunt around brambles, trees, high weeds, and in the thick woods. i do a similar wrap with my headphone wire; that way, i never leave home without 'em. it's a good idea to also tape the coil wire and port together, it seems to help. hh,