if your coil cable is stretched u may be able to regain the coiling in the cable. this is what i do to cables that are stetched...
get yourself a 1/4" wooden dowel rod or similar ( i use a hunting arrow no fletching or blade on it of course). just run the rod through coil of cable, holding bottom part of coil part of cable start tightly wrapping it around the rod, not really wrapping just simply tighten the coil is what youre doing. now this is the hardest part, helps to have a 2nd set of hands, but try an tighly tape the lower part of the cable under coil in cable as well as the top near connector (this holds the coil wrap tight for the next step) . make sure coil stays tight and no spacing between each coil in cable. now lightly heat the coil with a hair dryer on low b careful not to burn the cable dont hold the heat in one place to long just move up and down the coiled part of cable all around it a few inches away untill its a bit warm but not scorching hot. now wrap the coil with black electrical tape and leave sit over night or even a full day for it to really form memory. you may have to do this a couple times pending the severity of the stretch in coil. after awhile your coil in cable will b a nice tight once again. hope this helps for anyone with this issue. Its safe as long as its done right!