Not to say that the coil for this excellent machine moves a lot (the "ears" are textured to keep it in place, something that should have been thought of ages ago) but if a coil moves even a tiny but it throws me off so I made this (old school) bracket by taking a strip of plexiglass and melting it to shape with a lighter (a heat gun is nice if you have one). The hardest part is getting the width of the part where the coil edge sits. Use a piece of cardboard to plot your angles and section lengths. Not shown are the "zip" ties that hold it in place. This is a real comfort in the water when you are scrubbing or working in a dig to tell which side your target is on. Anyone know of a manufactured (or jury rigged) coil weight? This detector smoothes out realy well (via the gain control) and has nice depth. Here's a nice find I made with mine--a Tiffany plat band 9.7 gr. Seeing them for $1,025 new.