Piero franchi
New member
What do you say as to a good/best coil for a Sov GT.
I use it mostly on farm land feilds, with the intention of the odd trip to the beach.
I have the 10inc tornado minlabe coil.
Was thinking of a minelab 8inc tornado, or an eliptical coil.
Does the minelab suffer from over reading targets!!!!
As it is a GT, it has iron mask, does it help much.
I hear the sov/ings need to be sweept slow, it that the case with this newer GT.
Many thanks
I use it mostly on farm land feilds, with the intention of the odd trip to the beach.
I have the 10inc tornado minlabe coil.
Was thinking of a minelab 8inc tornado, or an eliptical coil.
Does the minelab suffer from over reading targets!!!!
As it is a GT, it has iron mask, does it help much.
I hear the sov/ings need to be sweept slow, it that the case with this newer GT.
Many thanks