New member
A guy I work with is always asking me about what I find while metal detecting, well anyway he got married and went to Fiji 3 weeks ago. While he was there he was playing out on the beach and lost his brand new wedding ring. He said he felt it fall off his finger and immediately tried to grab it as it was falling. He was in about 7 feet of water snorkeling. Well when he tried to grab it he kicked his feed while he had flippers on and that knocked up some silt and he couldn't see where it went. He spent like an hour trying to find it. He yelled back to the beach to tell his wife he lost his ring. She just waived as she couldn't hear what he was saying. Some Australian guys were also snorkeling in the area, so they swam over and helped . The Australians wound up finding the ring, but the guy from work drifted 30 feet from where he dropped it. He said he thought he was in the spot where he lost it. He said the only thing he could think of was me and my detectors and how his wife was gonna kill him. If those Australian guys weren't there he probably wouldn't of found it, so he bought them all dinner and drinks as a reward. LOL