Well-known member
Is not who you want to see in the parking lot when you arrive to hunt. This last time I got there just before 9a.m.. He was loading up to leave. Well did you leave anything? Cletus got this kind of grin, says, didn't leave anything shiny. He's hunted a Compadre for so long, never seen him with anything else. So, he's got something else, black. What you swinging thar, Cletus? Got one of them new fangled Mojos. (Mojave) Pretty nice but got too many knobs. So I'm looking at his fines pouch , pretty heavy. Once he got into his truck, he says. Some guy back there, using filters or sum tin. Says he's hearing whispers. Better stay away from him. Ole Cletus don't leave much and nothing above 4 inches. Leaves the rest for the youngsters. Beep & Dig master.