OK, before I get anymore PM's asking if I have got rid of my Coin$trike, sold out, etc. I just want to say a few more things....
Yes, I still have my Coinstrike & will be keeping it...
But, lately all's I have been using are the T2 & F75....my C$ & Edge are collecting dust on the rack in my basement. I just got tried of neglecting the C$ forum, & no longer posting any finds & such. I wanted to try to bring some excitement back to this forum, & all's I use are the T2 & F75 now...they are that good! Plus, longtime C$ class people like Tony & Mark-NC have all made their C$ backups as well, so I imagined the C$ class really slowing even more. Also, Mr. Bill & I feel that "classrooms" are great for newer units so folks can learn together. The Coin$trike is almost 7 years old now, & most everything that has been learned can be found on the "Coinstrike Homepage". I will be keeping my Coinstrike & Edge for backpacking, as I like how the box comes off & fits in my pack brilliantly. But, quite frankly, vs. the T2/F75 there's a huge difference in the all metal modes, and I like the DD coils better, & ALWAYS wanted a trigger like I used for so long on my 1266x. I will also utilize the C$ & Edge with the 5" sunray coil as well in certain situations...(so yes the C$ is a keeper).
Again, we are not kicking folks out....just shifting things a little due to an amazing new chapter in the history of Fisher with the F75...
PS. yes ,we will fix the bio at the top ASAP.
Yes, I still have my Coinstrike & will be keeping it...
But, lately all's I have been using are the T2 & F75....my C$ & Edge are collecting dust on the rack in my basement. I just got tried of neglecting the C$ forum, & no longer posting any finds & such. I wanted to try to bring some excitement back to this forum, & all's I use are the T2 & F75 now...they are that good! Plus, longtime C$ class people like Tony & Mark-NC have all made their C$ backups as well, so I imagined the C$ class really slowing even more. Also, Mr. Bill & I feel that "classrooms" are great for newer units so folks can learn together. The Coin$trike is almost 7 years old now, & most everything that has been learned can be found on the "Coinstrike Homepage". I will be keeping my Coinstrike & Edge for backpacking, as I like how the box comes off & fits in my pack brilliantly. But, quite frankly, vs. the T2/F75 there's a huge difference in the all metal modes, and I like the DD coils better, & ALWAYS wanted a trigger like I used for so long on my 1266x. I will also utilize the C$ & Edge with the 5" sunray coil as well in certain situations...(so yes the C$ is a keeper).
Again, we are not kicking folks out....just shifting things a little due to an amazing new chapter in the history of Fisher with the F75...
PS. yes ,we will fix the bio at the top ASAP.