I've heard a lot about olive oil and cleaning coins on various forums.
I tried the olive oil thing, unless there's some kind of trick olive oil out there, it didn't work.
Olive oil will probably preserve the coin but far as i can see, it won't clean it. Maybe if its soaked in it for a year!
If anyone out there has successfully cleaned a coin using olive oil, let us know the secret.
For scrap wheat penneys, i just soak in soapy water, lightly brush with a soft tooth brush if necessary, rinse then dry.
For a really valuable coin, i soak in soapy water, rinse then dry, thats all.
Improper cleaning of a valuable coin can detract from its value.
Found these techniques on another website but haven't tried them. Try at your own peril but i'd use a scrap coin first.
- Soak the coin in distilled water then put them in the freezer. The water will penetrate the dirt, expand when frozen and break apart the dirt. Could take a few cleaning cycles for dirtier coins.
-Place the coin on wax paper then coat with Elmers glue. Let dry then peel off the glue and the dirt with it. Could take a few cycles for dirtier coins.
-For tarnished coins (silver and nickel), get some Arm & Hammer Washing Soda usually found in a store's laundry area. Not baking soda.
Place a 3" strip of aluminum foil at the bottom of a glass container then place the coin on top. Add a couple teaspoons of the Washing soda on top of the coin.
Then pour in boiling water. After the fizzing stops, take the coin out and rinse thoroughly.