Well I done some more testing with my C3SL Mr.Bill mods and 5.5 ferret coil and this thing still amazes me.I'm still surprised Monte sold this setup to me several years ago.I have a Classic 3 SL modified by Mr Bill and this machine has a toggle switch to select between Normal or Slow auto retuning which is one of the best features on it.I can pinpoint in all metal without loosing the signal too soon.It's almost like a non motion mode but not quite.I can hover the coil over the target for quite a while before the signal dies.It's more than enough time to pinpoint and profile the target.Actually with this small ferret coil on I can pinpoint in disc so easy and fast I don't have to go to all metal mode.I have posted several threads about this detector ever since I have had it and it is the detector that gets used more than all of them.I did another small test but this time it was in Arkansas soil.I'm not 100% sure but I think that this ground is moderate mineralized but some areas could be more or less.Anyway today I buried a penny just a little over a measured 6" and filled the hole completely.I first tested the coin with max sensitivity,black sand switch set to normal and disc at about nickel reject.Signal was nice and clear and smooth.You wouldn't of passed this signal up.Raised coil almost 6 more inches and still got the signal but it was a little softer but still there was no doubt it was a good soft repeatable signal.I lowered the sensitivity to about preset but I had to also lower the coil a little more to the ground and it still picked up the coin with no problem even at pulltab reject it still detected the coin.I even picked it up with the disc at max,just slightly softer.The I put it in the Black sand position and did the same test except I got about 2-3 more inches depth in that mode even when I raised the coil.That little 5.5 ferret coil is a hot little coil and it's hard to find.I have not got a chance to try any of the other factory small coils for it. I haven't done this test with the stock 9.5 but I will and I also have more test for it too. For the kind of hunting I do this setup works great because most of my sites are trashy and lots of target masking to go along with it.The fast recovery and quite in iron and the external Ground and threshold and toggle switch for slow retuning and the hot little coil and perfect balance and a battery system that has 60-70 hours of use depending if headphones are used or not this machine will get the job done.This is my favorite no bells and whistle machine.I am a Die Hard Classic person.Monte if U ever read this post Thanks again for selling this detector to me and the 5.5. ferret! It's a killer in trash and so fun to use. It's also top quality made and with the addition of the Mr.Bill mods and good quality headphones it's just a hard setup to beat for what I do. HH to all.