I found another Very Collectible Brass shotgun Shell using my Trusty and Faithful Super Classic 3 SL modified by Mr. Bill.Just the Brass bottom with the stamp on it.I found an extremely and fairly rare one a few weeks ago.But I did some research on it and was surprised to find out how sought after it really is by collectors. This time I was hunting in all metal and then switched to Disc to check conductivity.I was using the Very Hard to Find 5.5 inch Ferret concentric coil and was searching in very trashy ground.Sometimes there were a few targets even under such a small coil at the same time.The Classic had NO problem at all picking good things out! I have found gobs of small brass,lead,buttons and very tiny non-ferrous items that most relic hunters find using Much Higher Frequencies.I have also founds coins on edge with this setup and very small jewelery.This detector works Great for Coins & Relics! I also found very small brass buckle but I'm unsure what it was used for. My Classic 3SL also loves Nickles and Bullets! You wouldn't believe the depth this 5.5 Ferret coil gets in my moderate ground. When I first moved in this state over 3 years ago I was searching my extremely hard packed gravel and hot rock driveway and found a nice woman's ring withe 2 small diamonds and a larger hear shaped diamond.
Recently I found a piece of jewelery with 2 Light colored stones but I'm unsure of what kind of stones they are.My Modified Classic 3 SL with the 5.5 inch Ferret coil is Deadly in iron and nails and even in Non-Ferrous trash it sorts through it great! It Easily gets above average depth and can keep up with a lot of newer detectors especially in the trash! I am planning on buying a new digital detector towards the end of the year because their will Probably be Holiday Specials from someone so maybe I can get a more than one coil on a deal.
Don't count these older Classics out because they are discontinued...A modified Classic with all the optional coils out there can still hold it's own with newer detectors.It handles iron as good and Better than a lot of the newer detectors out there.I also don't know what battery life is on some of the newer detectors but I can get 55-75 hours on a set of batteries depending what battery and headphone I use.I can even use a cheaper brand and still get more hours of use than most detectors out there.Now if my Modified C3SL had TONE ID..I probably wouldn't buy another detector too soon!
Recently I found a piece of jewelery with 2 Light colored stones but I'm unsure of what kind of stones they are.My Modified Classic 3 SL with the 5.5 inch Ferret coil is Deadly in iron and nails and even in Non-Ferrous trash it sorts through it great! It Easily gets above average depth and can keep up with a lot of newer detectors especially in the trash! I am planning on buying a new digital detector towards the end of the year because their will Probably be Holiday Specials from someone so maybe I can get a more than one coil on a deal.
Don't count these older Classics out because they are discontinued...A modified Classic with all the optional coils out there can still hold it's own with newer detectors.It handles iron as good and Better than a lot of the newer detectors out there.I also don't know what battery life is on some of the newer detectors but I can get 55-75 hours on a set of batteries depending what battery and headphone I use.I can even use a cheaper brand and still get more hours of use than most detectors out there.Now if my Modified C3SL had TONE ID..I probably wouldn't buy another detector too soon!