Mark in NC
"Cladiators", you know who you are! You don't have enough time to go hit a old site, so just to get a quick fix, you head out to the park or school yard for some quick clad vacuuming. I've got something for you to try, just for fun. When you're not expecting super deep old stuff, try cranking the threshold on the C$ all the way to -99. Yep, that's right, -99. I ran sensitivity at 5 or 6, nothing notched and worked the clad super fast. Still digging solid targets at 5-6 inches. ID was rock solid, only fluctuating a number or two. The advantage of this mega threshold? Well, for me I almost never had to spend much time checking out iffy signals. The high (or actually low) thresh seemed to knock out lots of smaller signals (and I'm sure really deep ones). This is definitely not something to do when hunting for small jewelry, or really deep stuff (older sites), but it works great for grabbing clad. I played around a lot today with the sens. and thresh. in a local school yard and found this to work great for me on this type of site. Another thing to note on well manicured yard, when ground balancing, make sure to push the coil all the way through the grass to the dirt before hitting the GB button. I found mine would balance too positive if I just let it set on top of the grass before pushing the button... Anyway, I had fun experimenting
Mark in NC
Mark in NC