I went to the river with high hopes to find some gold or silver, but just found some clad. The wind was out of the NW and small waves about a foot or more and combined with the boat wakes, it really aggravated my bad back. I would get out to my neck and the waves would be pushing me around and it was really hard to work my scoop. As a result, for the first time since I went water detecting, I'm in quite a bit of pain. Usually it's easier on me than hunting on land. I think I will get me a weight belt to hold me down in the water because I really had to struggle with the scoop to dig into the sand. Most of my clad was found in the deeper water and I was really hoping for some silver or gold. I found 6 quarters, 4 dimes, 1 nickel and 10 pennies, all clad. 1 quarter and 1 dime were 1965, but a miss is as good as a mile. It was the first time I had been able to get into the river in nearly a month and I really enjoyed it. One person paddled by and asked me what I was "Trapping". Then a bunch of teenagers came up and were swimming my way and I heard one ask the others what I was doing and they replied he's hunting crawfish. lol If their curiosity had got to the point of coming out to where I was I planned to tell them I was collecting crocodile eggs. lol I try to stay away from where the swimmers are, but there was no one at the river except boaters when I got there and then quite a few kids showed up after school. A small plane flew right over the river real low like they were trying to figure out what I was doing. Then a couple geese came up and I was thinking about this episode of Bonanza where two characters swam underwater and grabbed some geese for dinner. These were well fed and fat geese and probably would have kicked my butt if I had tried that. Then this huge turtle surfaced about 3 feet from me and I thought he was a snake at first. I wish I had a video camera for the water, but one of these days I will get one. Happy hunting.