...everything scott says jibes with what Ive heard about the Cib/Vaq, and aside from the depths, is in line with every Tesoros Ive ever owned.
On the matter of weight balance etc., There really is little comparison - nothing else comes close. Batteries last long enough and the only thing that may cause you some woe is the lack of ID.
I cut my teeth on a SSII, so I know just what scott is saying - thumb the DISC knob and youll know where the item lies in the scale. Tesoros have always had a razor edged DISC. You need little more info, anyway - you should dig based on that much alone, and little more.
Wanna know what I think of them? Im saving up to get a Vaquero. I may sell my beloved SSumax to make it happen. I want the GB feature, should it be needed. It really is little trouble to use and I want the feature there, even if I dont always "neeed" it.
But, I find it hard to think you can go wrong with any Tesoro. I have other detectors, but I ALWAYS have a Tesoro around.