I have started detecting after a 10 year lapse, and I bought a cibola for its lite-weight and fast target response. I live in the willamete valley in Oregon, and alot of the minerals from the surrounding mountains have washed down. Great for veggies bad for detecting. should I have spent the extra $ and bought a Vaquero or am I going to have trouble with detecting in the valley?
I've been out once for 1/2 hour in state capital park, a place stripped down like a turkey carcass, and found a buffalo nickel right away, a few dimes pennies all clad, at decent depths, not great. no quarters, but we've had 6 detector companies within a 30 mile radius (Whites,Discovery,Teknetics, bounty hunter, Fisher) all started here in oregonand I'm sure the local parks have long been stripped of silver.
Also whats with the pinpoint? do you sweep fast or slow? I just can't seem to grasp what its trying to tell me.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a numeric digital readout where the speaker is? perfect detector!
I've been out once for 1/2 hour in state capital park, a place stripped down like a turkey carcass, and found a buffalo nickel right away, a few dimes pennies all clad, at decent depths, not great. no quarters, but we've had 6 detector companies within a 30 mile radius (Whites,Discovery,Teknetics, bounty hunter, Fisher) all started here in oregonand I'm sure the local parks have long been stripped of silver.
Also whats with the pinpoint? do you sweep fast or slow? I just can't seem to grasp what its trying to tell me.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a numeric digital readout where the speaker is? perfect detector!