Haven't posted for awhile, but have been digging in the warm Florida sun. I hit a few "tot" parks, in fact cleaned a large one out last week of about 40 quarters and at least 75 dimes while surrounded by 2, 3 and 4 year olds. One kid shoved a pair of hand cuffs under the coil while I was digging and laughed as my ears fried! I hit a saxon hoard of Chucke cheese tokens in one spot at the end of the slide actually a total of about 7. Here in Jacksonville we have more parks than any other city in the US. I found the live 50 mm shell while digging a dime hit at a depth close to 10". The shell says 1942 on the firing pin side. What the heck, over! Found in a local park. Posted a few items I found this month; only gold was the 14k chain/cross for sure. I have been finding rings, but nothing since my buddy hit the big 14k in Hanna Park here 2 weeks ago. The summer is not going away yet, today was 90 degrees and the short and tevas are the uniform of the day even for work. Maybe I'll try the beach a little further south for some untouched detecting action, I am due for a nice gold ring; at least the way I figure it! Anyway guys/gals HH. Wish someone would invent a MD that can discriminate a pull tab from a whatever. My MXT constantly lies to me ! Marty