for you see I am a parent, grandmother and great-grandmother with children who seem to be too busy to remember that I exist. But my son after writing to him, that I may not know him by this time next year (Christmas), if he didn't call or come see me more often than he has in the past!
Sooooooo.....Monday he spent an hour or so with my brother and I and we had a nice talk! Today, Tami, my youngest daughter, and Troy came by to see me and brought some Christmas gifts. But I have to say she has kept in contact with me as best she can as she has so many health problems and has to work which is tough for her! She works in a motel cleaning rooms and making beds......very hard work! Troy has had back surgery and has been on Workmen's Comp for quite some time but they are preparing him to go back to work with supposedly limitations!
My mother, father and grandparents have all passed away! But Praise God my sister was able to get in contact with our brother, whom we hadn't seen since 1984 nor heard from since 1987. He moved a lot so we didn't know where he was. Well with God's help my sister was able to get his address and wrote him a letter which he in return called her. That was over a year ago and took both of us to get him to move from Florida and back to MO. Therefore, we were together for Christmas along with our other brother Larry and it was a blessing for each of us. And it is a blessing and a big help for me to have him staying in my home and helping me financially and in many other the yard work was getting too difficult for me to do by myself!
God is gooooood and He answers prayers! I thank Him that your sister is drawing nearer to you and your family! We all have problems and at times it is very difficult to break through the many barriers satan puts up to keep families apart and troubles stirred up....sometimes pride gets in the way and separates those who love each other but too stubborn to let the other one know for some reason or other!
My dad showed no love, mom tried to...but difficult with the circumstances we all lived under because of our father's dad leaving him, his sister and brother when they were real small and left grandma to work too much to put food in their mouths and what little shelter they could find. Was really hard on all of them and dad was bitter and so living with him was not the best for us kids or mom while still at home. He loved us but just could not show it because he wasn't shown any love by his dad and probably his dad's dad didn't show it! So on and on it goes and where it stops nobody knows until Jesus enters the heart of man and begins the healing process with His forgiving love which is reflected from the saved souls and hearts of those who accept Jesus as their one and only true Savior!
Therefore, don't look back to what was but look forward to what can and will be through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The past is History, the Present (Today) is a Gift and tomorrow is a Mystery but not as much a one if we read, study, learn and know God's Holy Word! By His Holy Spirit the future of we Christians is revealed to us! Glory Hallelujah!
God Bless!
Sister Betty