This is a park not 1/2 block away from my home so I spend a lot of time there.
Pretty old, 1920's but there used to be a few old homes in this spot too.
People have been hanging out in a few areas before the park was dedicated and it has a natural spring that has been there forever so hunters and travellers have stopped here too, I know this because I found a few flat buttons here also that date back to the early 1800's near that spring.
Since people really started to spend a lot of time here I believe the city never had the thought to place trashcans around the park...actually I am sure they did people just never learned to use them.
Below is a pic of what I dug in one four hour hunt in this park where I dug literally everything because it was my first experience with a DD coil and I was attempting to learn it as fast as possible.
As you can see hunting this park can be...challenging.
I have used all kinds of coils and coil sizes at this park but my most productive has always been my smaller sniper coils.
I got one for my Nox as soon as it was released and if you catch me here that coil is more often than not going to be mounted. If you look at th pic you can understand why.
Enjoy that coil...I definitely enjoy using mine.