You right Kelly, it's about 15 miles from my house on hwy 181, by the Bayside exit. It just looks to big to be full blood Longhorn to me, but I don't no much about the breed. Just never saw that many of them growing up. Now I see them all over the place, they really become a popular breed again. Would love to have a herd like that in one pasture, and a herd of Buffalo in another pastor. I was at a ranch one time in Rocksprings an met an old rancher, we got to talking that even I told him I really taught a herd of Buffalo would be a neat herd to have in the front pastor of house, as a show peace. He told me son you don't want a buffalo. I ask him why not, He started telling me about the one he had. He told me it was always getting out of his pastor. He said that a Buffalo was made for running, on the great plains all day long if needed, it took 3 horse to run one down. Run the first horse till it wore out, then get on the second horse and start the chase back up when it wore out, get the third horse out, because at that point a buffalo was just getting a bit tired. They could run though a barb wire fence and never slow down. He said the last time it got out it took 3 men and nine horse to catch it. By the time he and his men got the Buffalo loaded up, there was 9 horses about to died from running them to near death. All of the men were scratch, and beat to near death. He said it was raining and lightning as they loaded the buffalo in the trailer. He went to the truck got his 30 30, walk back to the trailer and shot him. When he pulled up to his house his kids came running out side, saw the Buffalo laying dead in the trailer they all started crying about the Buffalo, his wife asked him what happened to the Buffalo, he told them lightning hit the trailer and killed him. He said to this day they still think that's how there Buffalo died. He also told me you don't want a buffalo son, believe me you don't. He was talking flat out on it. I will always remember that story from him. I real cowboy I would call that older man. I was in my 20's when I meet him. Someone told me later on in life he was the same old boy who rented the wagons and equipment to the making of Lonesome Dove, I don't know that for a fact, but he was a great gentlemen.