G'day all from Aussie, I've been looking for a set of wireless headphones for my Coinmaster GT and MXT and came across a FM set in a Discount Shop for a massive outlay of $10.00
I cut off the RCA plugs and soldered a 6.5mm(1/4") stereo plug just to test them, and they worked really well on the GT but they were a bit distorted on the MXT, possibly the frequency the MXT runs at. I cracked open the transmitter case and the circuit was quite small, so a quick trip to the local electronics store to purchase a "jiffy" box and AAA battery holder, see pics for result. Also if you get bored detecting
flick the switch on the headphones and you have a FM radio to listen to
I think I'll get a set of TDK WR-700 for the MXT, I heard they work well, a bit more expensive though
