This might be old hat to some, but may be useful to those with less experience on this unit. I was detecting an area and wandered towards some power lines and began getting ZZZZZZIPPPPPP ZZZZZZIIIIPPPPPP interference. I remembered that I had the option to change operating frequencies on this machine (hold menu button and push and/or pull toggle switch). Worked like a charm, interference was eliminated. Later on, I found a deep (7 inches) high conductor target and decided to experiment with frequency changes before digging it. All 7 frequencies could pick up the target, though the F1 and F2 options gave the clearest signals. Some frequencies (F5 for example) resulted in such a degraded signal that the likelihood of walking right past that target in that operating frequency was much higher. Target turned out to be a wheat penny. I'm gonna experiment some more over other deep targets (especially probable silver targets) with this frequency shift and will report back. Happy hunting everyone. - Jim