There is a post about cellphones up on the Beach hunter thread. Never gave it much thought until today...but boy howdy do those folks that lose their cell phones really appreciate the return! We get a lot of fresh drops up here in the summer on the beaches, so I'm out there early before sunup a sweeping away. When I find a phone, its usually from the night before, and still has power on it. I take them home (4 last year) and hand it to my daughter, she figures out how to work the dang thing, and gets a hold of the owner somehow, and BOOM! They drive clear out to the house and pick it up by noon! Man! they sure are happy! I guess its just a sign of the technological times and what matters to folks now a guy last year had all his business numbers on his phone, he was a contractor, and needed that thing bad! Shaking and sweating like a dog pooping peach pits! All wild eyed and crazy like... Its sort of neat to meet the people of a lost item, you already have a pretty good idea what was going on where and when it was lost. I think our kids (and others) are watching us too, and its important for them to see the dialog and return, without any acceptance of money...not that thats a bad thing, just that its the way we were brought up, ...return the lost item, refuse the offer, and Pay It Forward! Full disclosure: I'd sure like to see more happy people not accept my refusal, and MAKE me take the cash!
