Finally worked to clean and read date on some of those large cents I found at cellar hole road over a year ago, OK I know the coin is in bad shape, but found it is a 1826. I cant tell if it is a 6 over a 5, of which some where issued that year. This is also where I found those Civil War tokens so Im hopeful this site was occupied before the war. I will be digging deeper there next season. By the way the device pictured is something I picked up at a rummage sale. It is I believe an older medical device maybe for looking in ears, noses , etc? Anyway the lens diameter fits perfect with my camera and I got this close up. I will be using this technique in the future for posting pictures that warrant finer details. One of the other cents was a 1830! - Im looking at 4 '' of snow and more falling by the minute- Good huntin all!