Folks, i revisited the estate, 1800, where I found two large cents (1840's) by the main house in the past year. They have a foundation in the woods they claim is earlier and was the site of the shoe makers site. The foundation is full or metal and bottles about 2 feet deep. Close to the hole, I get overload everywhere on my f75 ltd. One side has a flat field with a lot of stones strewn about, where I was imagining a stone cabin might of stood. There yesterday I got two large cents, silver spoon and this button. The two pennies I am now soaking, one is obviously a classic large cent. The other I am hoping, maybe something earlier, I can read ONE CENT on the back side but almost the entire coin is obliterated and eaten away by our soil up here. I am seeing some remnants that Im not sure is the standard classic large cent. I am hoping what Im seeing is a draped bust or a liberty cap- dont know if that will ever be confirmed. So either coin was quite bad and not worth showing here- but I would like input on this button, I am reading that this might be 1820 or earlier,- it is one piece, quite thin, 1 and a quarter inch wide. I got these in just a bout an hour but ran out of daylight, it was 45 degrees- I am hoping to go back Tues when it will again be in the 40's- I hoping I will have a lot of other finds to come. I am really telling myself to be home on Christmas with my family. Although I am very excited about this new site. Both the coins hit very solidly at about 75 and where maybe 4 inches deep. any help on dating the button would be appreciated. Have a great Christmas all. CO