SharkHunter is right. The guild Press sells the CDs for about $70.00 and worth every penny. When you see the CD there is a lot of information on it so it takes a little getting use to in order to find you way around on the CD. Here are some pictures on how I set my material up. I print off what ever volumes I want. To give you a idea of whats involved and average cost. The average volume may consist of 1000 pages some maybe 1500 pages.I buy the 500 pack of paper (Walmart) for about $5.00, I use 24lb. 96 brightness paper because it a little thicker and holds up better. That wiii run you about $10 to $15. I get about 250 maybe 275 pages per ink cartridge $30. per cartridge. Now heres the trick, you have to learn how to refill your own cartridges or it gets expensive. I buy the black refill bottles (walmart)for about $11.00 and they will do about maybe 5 to 7 volumes give or take. It took a while to really learn how to refill my cartridges but its not that hard. When the print quality starts to degrade I'll buy new cartridge. I refill the color one to but not as often. Once I have the volume printed I use the hole punch (little rectangular holes) and punch the holes then put them on the binder rings. The binder punch and binder rings can be found at an office supply. I use the 3/4 or bigger binders and put the paper on the binder rings by hand about 50 pages at a time.I also use the clear or colored plastic sheet for the front and back. The hole punch I think runs about $30.00 or $40.00. Once you get set up with everything it doesn't cost that much to make a bunch of volumes. When you do them this way you can take the volumes anywhere and read them anytime and mark important facts. Another nice bit of information is not all reports have that much good informations so I don't print them. I just print the reports that have good information, saves paper and time. My main volumes are 98,99, and 100. When I started out I printed the whole volume. Now I know which reports to print and which to leave out. Tip, scan the report and if you see some good info print report. I read more of my volumes at work than anywhere else. The Confederate reports don't have as much detail information as the Union reports. I print the title page which ever way I want. This will give you and idea whats involved. If you have any questions e-mail me at and help you with it. Good luck.