Since most of my co-workers know I'm a beach hunter, I get referrals from time to time when beachgoers lose stuff and call the PD. Today, I contacted a very distraught young lady who wanted me to find her engagement ring she lost in the water less than an hour ago. I told her she was in luck since I had my detector and was planning to hit the beach when my shift ended.
I asked for the normal info you'd need to start hunting. Here's what she said "We rented a jet ski for an hour, and when I got back my ring was gone from my finger. My fiance doesn't know yet. Please help me!"
Before I could stop laughing, she started crying uncontrollably. I tried to calm her down, at the same time telling her there was zero chance of her getting that ring back. She kept crying "But you don't understand, I HAVE to get it back!" After several more attempts at common sense, she was still crying, but she finally calmed down to where she was breathing well enough to explain "You don't understand; my fiance and I came to Va Beach yesterday and last night he proposed to me on the beach. I haven't had the ring for a whole day yet!
I couldn't think of anything to say. Praying for momentary wisdom, I came up with this: "Honey, I know it's hard to see at the moment, but this is a divine test to see whether your fiance is REALLY the guy you should be marrying. She asked what I meant. I said "Go ahead and tell him. If he doesn't kill you, marry him right away." She didn't laugh, but I was rolling on the floor, doing my best sound serious on the phone. Thank God it was a phone call and not a face to face conversation. Does this mean I'm one of those insensitive slobs that women complain about?
"I'm here for a good time, not a long time..."
I asked for the normal info you'd need to start hunting. Here's what she said "We rented a jet ski for an hour, and when I got back my ring was gone from my finger. My fiance doesn't know yet. Please help me!"
Before I could stop laughing, she started crying uncontrollably. I tried to calm her down, at the same time telling her there was zero chance of her getting that ring back. She kept crying "But you don't understand, I HAVE to get it back!" After several more attempts at common sense, she was still crying, but she finally calmed down to where she was breathing well enough to explain "You don't understand; my fiance and I came to Va Beach yesterday and last night he proposed to me on the beach. I haven't had the ring for a whole day yet!
I couldn't think of anything to say. Praying for momentary wisdom, I came up with this: "Honey, I know it's hard to see at the moment, but this is a divine test to see whether your fiance is REALLY the guy you should be marrying. She asked what I meant. I said "Go ahead and tell him. If he doesn't kill you, marry him right away." She didn't laugh, but I was rolling on the floor, doing my best sound serious on the phone. Thank God it was a phone call and not a face to face conversation. Does this mean I'm one of those insensitive slobs that women complain about?
"I'm here for a good time, not a long time..."