I was going to hold off and let everyone know what detector I am getting until I received it and got to use it but I can't hold it in any longer,lol. I have the oppertunity to purchase a Tesoro Euro Sabre thanks to one of our great forum members (Hombre)(Randy). I have never been around one of these but have real good feeling about getting it. I buy/sell/trade more often than I probably should but it has given me a chance to get a feel for alot of very good detectors & I am sure the Euro Sabre will be no exception. I know this is something that I have said before but the Euro Sabre is one I have been wanting to try for along time. Hey Randy did you mail it out yet ,how about now,yet,already,maybe,is it here yet,me in a hurry nah not at all,
, lol. Thanks. Steve.
, lol. Thanks. Steve.