serious about just EVERYTHING here--need a little humor to go along with "the rest of it"----I think just about all people like to laugh at themselves from time to time.--At least I do-but then I'm a little wierd anyway! ----What's the funniest (or most odd) thing you ever had happen to you when you were out metal detecting?------For me, aside from being mistaken for everything from the garbage collector, electrician to weed eater operator, I think the most humorous thing was:-------I was a town park one day & there was a couple of early teen age boys (14-15 yrs.old) "rough houseing" with each other, the way kids do, just haveing a lot of fun & doing no harm to anyone.---I was detecting where they were playing & I happened to notice they had stopped "rassling".--I kind of looked at them out of the corner of my eye and seen that one of them was INTENTLY watching the other one while he was slowly swinging his right arm (as if metal detecting) with the most sullen, serious look on his face he could muster.--This went on for a grand total of about 5 seconds, then they just LAUGHED & took off running & wrestling with each other again, doin their thing.---I just "cracked up" (to myself).---I thought--MAN, do I REALLY look like that???---I thought I was lookin pretty pleasant!! I still chuckle to myself sometimes when I think about that one.--------Del