Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
today was the hotest day so far this year in minnesota so i desided it would be a good day to cross the rum river and do a preliminary exploration of the campground crossing the river was easy about three feet deep rocks & gravle on bottom seen somemore suckers swiming by lots of clams and frogs water was nice but had a nice cooling efect in the heat . and at least if starded to over heat i could go back in the river and cool off . getting up the oposite bank was not so easy i brout a long tow rope whith to tie around a tree up on the bank which is about 7' feet high and almost a 90 digre angle maneged to get up ok i did not bring my metal detector whith ,this was just a reconisance run thear wasa 6 ft wide path that led to a clearing and on the right was a table and fire spot and on the left another table and fire pit looks a bit wimpe to me and another path to the toilet which may be a good spot seeing pants are pulled down maybe some change fel out horse flys are bothersome some poison ivey . i dont really know what to think of theis site but it may yeald one good treasure im ready to bring the detector nextime now that i have the nice tow strap set up will keep you all informed i do not think this spot has been hunted its to sicluded and the only way to accsess it is by canoe or get wet digit ?