I got a good signal on a target about 1 month ago
while detectin with a friend. WE dug down about 2 1/2
feet. Did not find target. I went back 2 weeks ago
and redug the hole . I dug as deep as I could reach
down to my arm pit and probed and still did not
find target.
I think it could be a cannonball since an old farmer confided in me that he plowed one up years ago
within 30 yards where I am gettin siginal.
Any comments on digging this target. I also found
6 minnie balls in same area.
Is there any danger of the ball exploding etc
Your help appreciated. </STRONG>
while detectin with a friend. WE dug down about 2 1/2
feet. Did not find target. I went back 2 weeks ago
and redug the hole . I dug as deep as I could reach
down to my arm pit and probed and still did not
find target.
I think it could be a cannonball since an old farmer confided in me that he plowed one up years ago
within 30 yards where I am gettin siginal.
Any comments on digging this target. I also found
6 minnie balls in same area.
Is there any danger of the ball exploding etc
Your help appreciated. </STRONG>