Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
(Optional link for sound track for post to be opened in a new window)
The sky was black and weeping tears. Mother Earth received those tears but not those of the digger from the Bluenose tribe. A vision had come to him. Caught in his dream catcher was the white lady from across the vast water. The digger from the Bluenose tribe was deeply troubled as he had rode in the sky in the great silver crow in search of this lady to no avail.
A visit to the hut of the with doctor Seetharamado had not eased his pain. Four chants were sent to the Bluenoser who swallowed them. They were good. Worldly pain ceased. The two hour wait had been worth it.
Otto's war paint was hidden under the soil of Mother earth. That was a good thing. A sign! The happy hunting ground was bare..........of bear but not of the paint brush of the Manitou.
The ding was peaceful as the sky danced with white pillowing clouds. The waves crashing to Mother Earth kept time. One with the earth. One with AT Pro. A call of the wild to water the tatonka (Marie Who smiles calls it my rodent) A signal as the path not usually taken was taken. Great white mother was found wrapped in the hide of a white man's mobile meat.
A false sign. One created from not a true believer.
The dream. Not a true dream. More white mans discs found.
The dig of this brave was over as the years...............not unkind ebbed from his loins.
A stop at the trading post for fire water. Once at his lodge the firewater was sipped warming his belly. Once at the lodge he was hugged by his squaw "Marie who Smiles" and his heart was warmed.
The sky was black and weeping tears. Mother Earth received those tears but not those of the digger from the Bluenose tribe. A vision had come to him. Caught in his dream catcher was the white lady from across the vast water. The digger from the Bluenose tribe was deeply troubled as he had rode in the sky in the great silver crow in search of this lady to no avail.
A visit to the hut of the with doctor Seetharamado had not eased his pain. Four chants were sent to the Bluenoser who swallowed them. They were good. Worldly pain ceased. The two hour wait had been worth it.
Otto's war paint was hidden under the soil of Mother earth. That was a good thing. A sign! The happy hunting ground was bare..........of bear but not of the paint brush of the Manitou.

The ding was peaceful as the sky danced with white pillowing clouds. The waves crashing to Mother Earth kept time. One with the earth. One with AT Pro. A call of the wild to water the tatonka (Marie Who smiles calls it my rodent) A signal as the path not usually taken was taken. Great white mother was found wrapped in the hide of a white man's mobile meat.

A false sign. One created from not a true believer.

The dream. Not a true dream. More white mans discs found.

The dig of this brave was over as the years...............not unkind ebbed from his loins.
A stop at the trading post for fire water. Once at his lodge the firewater was sipped warming his belly. Once at the lodge he was hugged by his squaw "Marie who Smiles" and his heart was warmed.