Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
From the land of the Bluenose.....early start as Marie was treated to Tim's and dropped off at work while I continued on to see my witch doctor.....Dr. Sundar Paul Seetharamadoo who spoke that which must be spoken with his chant going something like this;
No hotel.
No motel nor Holiday Inn.
Snooze you lose
Grin you win ..see you later
and handed me a refill prescription for high blood pressure! At least I got out of there not having to sacrifice my next born or eternal soul. Love the man!
Just happened to have the Freedom 3 Plus stashed away safely in the trunk and pointed Otto (who drank my wallet dry) down the 103. Sure felt strange not having Navy Davy along and felt even stranger since the road was "plowed" like a row field causing the tires to hum along with Pink Floyd who had me in a near catatonic state. Not recommended while driving but kids can try it at home in their rooms with headphones on and no parental guidance necessary...something about a multitude of fury animals in a cave..........deep. Got stuck behind a house...not hallucinating nor was I in a transcendental meditative state...see for yourself!
Anyway when the Pink Floyd CD that Skinny White Bouy had made for me was over I took the next exit....Bridgewater and did the dew on a playing field while swatting at a darn Kamikaze horsefly. He was a skillful flier but I eventually downed him with my drop cloth. 4 more to go for an "ace" but not on this day as the skies were clear for the remainder of that part of the dig.
Left when I had a near quota experience and was thinking of stopping at Shelly's fish and chip truck in Hubbards when an old saying came to mind;
"Have you ever been approached by a mad cockroach or a man eating fish n chip." Skipped that idea and stayed hungry and headed to a ball field that I played on as a kid in Boutlier's Point but not before having another mind altering image...the famous "Whirlygig Factory."
Sad to see the field so run down but it did produce a few coins and a nice lot of flowers. Don't know whats up with this bouy and flowers lately!
Anyway enough vision quests for one day save for the lovely one I had to pick up at work! (Hope she reads this post as Navy Davy and I are heading out for the day tomorrow....suckholing big time youz). Take for the day was some kind of dewy button and 60 coins @$9.44
No hotel.
No motel nor Holiday Inn.
Snooze you lose
Grin you win ..see you later
and handed me a refill prescription for high blood pressure! At least I got out of there not having to sacrifice my next born or eternal soul. Love the man!
Just happened to have the Freedom 3 Plus stashed away safely in the trunk and pointed Otto (who drank my wallet dry) down the 103. Sure felt strange not having Navy Davy along and felt even stranger since the road was "plowed" like a row field causing the tires to hum along with Pink Floyd who had me in a near catatonic state. Not recommended while driving but kids can try it at home in their rooms with headphones on and no parental guidance necessary...something about a multitude of fury animals in a cave..........deep. Got stuck behind a house...not hallucinating nor was I in a transcendental meditative state...see for yourself!
Anyway when the Pink Floyd CD that Skinny White Bouy had made for me was over I took the next exit....Bridgewater and did the dew on a playing field while swatting at a darn Kamikaze horsefly. He was a skillful flier but I eventually downed him with my drop cloth. 4 more to go for an "ace" but not on this day as the skies were clear for the remainder of that part of the dig.
Left when I had a near quota experience and was thinking of stopping at Shelly's fish and chip truck in Hubbards when an old saying came to mind;
"Have you ever been approached by a mad cockroach or a man eating fish n chip." Skipped that idea and stayed hungry and headed to a ball field that I played on as a kid in Boutlier's Point but not before having another mind altering image...the famous "Whirlygig Factory."
Sad to see the field so run down but it did produce a few coins and a nice lot of flowers. Don't know whats up with this bouy and flowers lately!
Anyway enough vision quests for one day save for the lovely one I had to pick up at work! (Hope she reads this post as Navy Davy and I are heading out for the day tomorrow....suckholing big time youz). Take for the day was some kind of dewy button and 60 coins @$9.44