Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
Optional soundtrack for post.
"R and R" was just not cutting the mustard for this operative! Was watching the box set of the "Secret Weapons of the 20th Century." Some guy wearing a red suit and flying at mach 2.2 had dropped it off. Love to drop a rpg round up his pipes. I was getting antsy and needed some action. The walls of the man cave were closing in. The phone rang.................a mission. Went to my locker and dusted off my G.U.T.S. gear (Garrett Uniformed Tactical Squad).

Even after all that turkey she fit well.
Went next to the weapons locker and pulled out my 7 Garretts. Which one was right for this mission? The Seahunter MK11...........no wet work on this mission.....hopefully! Freedom3 Pluses............doesn't like the cold and tends to chatter. Freedom 3....not enough fire power. Settled on the high tech AT Pro which recently had been returned after servicing at the Garrett Armouries in Garland, Texas. Felt I had the right weapon for the right job.
I was pumped! Action. A chance to be cavalier!
The mission. Find a set of keys belonging to a bud in my old agency; the HIAA (Halifax International Airport Authority). The area was going to be swept clean but first Dana's b.u.t.t. (basic unit truck transport) had to be moved out of the kill zone.
A good point to deflate was to the north. The mission time clock was ticking as a storm front was moving in making visibility bad. A boot and scoot to the south. A sneak and peak to the east. I felt the target was near....confirmed by the Pro....
Target was ex filtrated...mission accomplished. Roger that!

A commission was offered. Refused. The adrenaline rush of being back in action was my reward. Of course my palms were greased by agent Dana. Gutz to love that homemade hootch. Once back at base did a tip and dip of the hootch in memory of the only casualty of the mission...."Clip."

War is hell but peace is...............................maddening I say......maddening. To the farm we go!
"R and R" was just not cutting the mustard for this operative! Was watching the box set of the "Secret Weapons of the 20th Century." Some guy wearing a red suit and flying at mach 2.2 had dropped it off. Love to drop a rpg round up his pipes. I was getting antsy and needed some action. The walls of the man cave were closing in. The phone rang.................a mission. Went to my locker and dusted off my G.U.T.S. gear (Garrett Uniformed Tactical Squad).

Even after all that turkey she fit well.
Went next to the weapons locker and pulled out my 7 Garretts. Which one was right for this mission? The Seahunter MK11...........no wet work on this mission.....hopefully! Freedom3 Pluses............doesn't like the cold and tends to chatter. Freedom 3....not enough fire power. Settled on the high tech AT Pro which recently had been returned after servicing at the Garrett Armouries in Garland, Texas. Felt I had the right weapon for the right job.
I was pumped! Action. A chance to be cavalier!
The mission. Find a set of keys belonging to a bud in my old agency; the HIAA (Halifax International Airport Authority). The area was going to be swept clean but first Dana's b.u.t.t. (basic unit truck transport) had to be moved out of the kill zone.
A good point to deflate was to the north. The mission time clock was ticking as a storm front was moving in making visibility bad. A boot and scoot to the south. A sneak and peak to the east. I felt the target was near....confirmed by the Pro....

Target was ex filtrated...mission accomplished. Roger that!

A commission was offered. Refused. The adrenaline rush of being back in action was my reward. Of course my palms were greased by agent Dana. Gutz to love that homemade hootch. Once back at base did a tip and dip of the hootch in memory of the only casualty of the mission...."Clip."

War is hell but peace is...............................maddening I say......maddening. To the farm we go!