Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
From the land of the Bluenose.....the cherries fell from the tree and hit the ground exploding into a kaleidoscope of effervescent pastel colours. A larger one fell slowly as if trapped in time and gently flowed to the earth.......ringgggggggg, ringggggg.
"Is Leslie Sar Can E home?"
"Yo I'm the bouy."
"Excuse please. My name is Raj Sign and I would like to tell you".....crash as the phone rattled on the receiver as I slammed it down on the telemarketer's ear.
Hell it was my days off and no turning back now. Had 3 hours sleep so I rolled out of bed which I'm sure resembled a grizzle bear waking up after a winter hibernation.
Threw on some shorts that I had carefully thrown by the bed side....much to Marie's constant dismay and lumbered out the door in a foul mood with my knees feeling like pin cushions. A Tim's and I was in a playing field swinging with one arm and drinking a mighty fine cup of joe in my other hand. Kid's don't try that at home. The day was getting hotter and my mood mellowing. Coin here, coin there, key next to the coin and I was soaked. Time to go aquatic.
Spoon! Spoon! Dinkie. Dinkie. Last dinkie I dug looks as if it had been left in a bad neighborhood as it was stripped of its four rubbers and rims. Should call the cops on that issue but I didn't have a phone...then I swished one up!
Next find was a minature dream catcher which might explain the dream I was having when the telemarketer phoned. Whoka honna whoka!
Well the time had come to go so away this bouy did go. Take for the day was 65 coins @ $16.28.
"Is Leslie Sar Can E home?"
"Yo I'm the bouy."
"Excuse please. My name is Raj Sign and I would like to tell you".....crash as the phone rattled on the receiver as I slammed it down on the telemarketer's ear.
Hell it was my days off and no turning back now. Had 3 hours sleep so I rolled out of bed which I'm sure resembled a grizzle bear waking up after a winter hibernation.
Threw on some shorts that I had carefully thrown by the bed side....much to Marie's constant dismay and lumbered out the door in a foul mood with my knees feeling like pin cushions. A Tim's and I was in a playing field swinging with one arm and drinking a mighty fine cup of joe in my other hand. Kid's don't try that at home. The day was getting hotter and my mood mellowing. Coin here, coin there, key next to the coin and I was soaked. Time to go aquatic.
Spoon! Spoon! Dinkie. Dinkie. Last dinkie I dug looks as if it had been left in a bad neighborhood as it was stripped of its four rubbers and rims. Should call the cops on that issue but I didn't have a phone...then I swished one up!
Next find was a minature dream catcher which might explain the dream I was having when the telemarketer phoned. Whoka honna whoka!
Well the time had come to go so away this bouy did go. Take for the day was 65 coins @ $16.28.