Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
From the land of the Bluenose.....jumped into Otto and hit his favorite juicer bar. We might be going far out man.Dropped the AT Pro and Freedom 3 PLus in the trunk. Gas had risen over 3 cents a liter so I filled him up and gave the attendant my 2 cents worth....in a sort of groovey way! In the federal government budget they announced that they were doing away with the penny...........dis bouy knows what we can do away with and I'll tell them should I ever vote! Stopped at Tim's and was mildly surprised when I rolled up the rim to win.
Anyway popped a few blue space pills with my cup of joe...and had a flashback to the other day when I was at my witch docotors office..............................................................................
"Lezle your xrays show a bad disc in your neck and lower back. Arthritis is in your knees, shoulders and hips. I can send you to a specialist but I don't think he can do a thing for you. I will give you something for the pain."
"Well Seth I have a cure for what ails me. Just amputate at the neck."
Stopped at a local park and opened the trunk. Was it the Pro or the Freedom 3 Plus which was about as easy a choice as picking between hamburger and "t" bone steak. Out came the Freedom 3 and my luck had changed at the first hole.
Man its hard to get ahead.........then I found one..............so cosmic and not of this universe.
Then I found another head. Like I could identify with this one. Vicky in her prime in 1840
My day was complete . Bob Marley on the speakers, Otto gassed , quota in my pocket and I having had a heavenly experience .

Anyway popped a few blue space pills with my cup of joe...and had a flashback to the other day when I was at my witch docotors office..............................................................................
"Lezle your xrays show a bad disc in your neck and lower back. Arthritis is in your knees, shoulders and hips. I can send you to a specialist but I don't think he can do a thing for you. I will give you something for the pain."
"Well Seth I have a cure for what ails me. Just amputate at the neck."
Stopped at a local park and opened the trunk. Was it the Pro or the Freedom 3 Plus which was about as easy a choice as picking between hamburger and "t" bone steak. Out came the Freedom 3 and my luck had changed at the first hole.

Man its hard to get ahead.........then I found one..............so cosmic and not of this universe.

Then I found another head. Like I could identify with this one. Vicky in her prime in 1840

My day was complete . Bob Marley on the speakers, Otto gassed , quota in my pocket and I having had a heavenly experience .