Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
From the land of the Bluenose.....been quite the week with several trips to my witch doctor who just keeps on writing prescriptions for my right arm and shoulder. Well me bouy we have a fellow at work who is a retired coroner and I told him about one of my aches. Couldn't belief that he then detailed my every pain. Imagine a guy who cuts up dead folks does a better diagnosis then a doctor who is suppose to keep you healthy! Lord love a duck.
Well I'm officially three years from a federal pension and celebrated by going a digging with Marie in tow and loose with the camera!
Cut her off after those two and I dug for a tad more finding a few coins. Still struggling with the AT Pro.
From there it was off to the Whale's Back so Marie could exercise her shopping gene!
Went to Peggy's Cove and I think it was still there!
"Here dear try this."
"Marie a purple hoddie makes me look like an over sized grape"
"What about this one?"
"Don't like green dear and besides this makes me look like a giant watermelon."
"This pink one is nice."
"Marie isn't that a ladies shirt?"
So we left the Whale's Back with two ice cream cones.
Had to do the dew as per normal and once again lost Marie to the "other bouy." The "Little Gipper."
Worse then that was with the sore wing I could hardly hold me birthday cake!
To add insult to injury my team Man U was manhandled by the Spaniards in the European Championship ! The pain....the pain!
Anyway got out with Navy Davy today and the bouy was on fire digging up a quota of 69 coins and a Mustang. the Tecknetics ruled the day.
Swinging left handed and still on the band wagon learning curve I managed a mere 19 coins, a button and a religious icon!
Had a deep thought after today's dig!
Then another one struck me. At work the other day Albert said to me that he had to leave his post for a moment to go to the little bouyz room. While standing in the next urinal it hit me. I turned to him and said, "Think this is the big bouyz room." Too which we both had a good chuckle. Albert is a 165 pounds soaking wet and I slightly over a ton and a half.
Off tomorrow to Enfield to try and find a white gold wedding band fur a bouy!
Well I'm officially three years from a federal pension and celebrated by going a digging with Marie in tow and loose with the camera!

Cut her off after those two and I dug for a tad more finding a few coins. Still struggling with the AT Pro.
From there it was off to the Whale's Back so Marie could exercise her shopping gene!
Went to Peggy's Cove and I think it was still there!

"Here dear try this."
"Marie a purple hoddie makes me look like an over sized grape"
"What about this one?"
"Don't like green dear and besides this makes me look like a giant watermelon."
"This pink one is nice."
"Marie isn't that a ladies shirt?"
So we left the Whale's Back with two ice cream cones.
Had to do the dew as per normal and once again lost Marie to the "other bouy." The "Little Gipper."

Worse then that was with the sore wing I could hardly hold me birthday cake!

To add insult to injury my team Man U was manhandled by the Spaniards in the European Championship ! The pain....the pain!
Anyway got out with Navy Davy today and the bouy was on fire digging up a quota of 69 coins and a Mustang. the Tecknetics ruled the day.

Swinging left handed and still on the band wagon learning curve I managed a mere 19 coins, a button and a religious icon!

Had a deep thought after today's dig!

Then another one struck me. At work the other day Albert said to me that he had to leave his post for a moment to go to the little bouyz room. While standing in the next urinal it hit me. I turned to him and said, "Think this is the big bouyz room." Too which we both had a good chuckle. Albert is a 165 pounds soaking wet and I slightly over a ton and a half.
Off tomorrow to Enfield to try and find a white gold wedding band fur a bouy!