Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
Friday.....day off.....oh joy!
With the mandatory stop at Rotten Ronny's for coffee and a breakfast sandwich, which I might add that Navy Davy won a free medium fries on the Monopoly game we were off down the highway. Drove to a not so local park that we do once a year. Air was crisp, grass was wet and the park ripe for the pickings. Nice to be swinging amongst the kaleidoscope of clours of the fall leaves. Very peaceful save for the hordes of Canadian Geese flying over head. They were loud and sounded like a group of ladies in the bargain basement of a department store. Mind you if certain people heard me say that I would be out of the dog house and into the outhouse in a flash!
When all was said and done Navy Davy ended up with 36 coins swinging his Tecknetics while I 34 with the old reliable Freedom 3 Plus.

ND dropped me off home and I jumped in Nogo, did a few errands and continued my dig at a local park to complete quota. Of course within 5 coins of my goal the heavens opened up. Bagged the Freedom in a nice new clear Glad bag. Found a head , another dinkie and the missing quota coins while in the process this numb nuts got totally drenched in the down pore. Such is the fixation of quota.

Once home the call came............off to work on my day off.......oh joy!
With the mandatory stop at Rotten Ronny's for coffee and a breakfast sandwich, which I might add that Navy Davy won a free medium fries on the Monopoly game we were off down the highway. Drove to a not so local park that we do once a year. Air was crisp, grass was wet and the park ripe for the pickings. Nice to be swinging amongst the kaleidoscope of clours of the fall leaves. Very peaceful save for the hordes of Canadian Geese flying over head. They were loud and sounded like a group of ladies in the bargain basement of a department store. Mind you if certain people heard me say that I would be out of the dog house and into the outhouse in a flash!
When all was said and done Navy Davy ended up with 36 coins swinging his Tecknetics while I 34 with the old reliable Freedom 3 Plus.

ND dropped me off home and I jumped in Nogo, did a few errands and continued my dig at a local park to complete quota. Of course within 5 coins of my goal the heavens opened up. Bagged the Freedom in a nice new clear Glad bag. Found a head , another dinkie and the missing quota coins while in the process this numb nuts got totally drenched in the down pore. Such is the fixation of quota.

Once home the call came............off to work on my day off.......oh joy!