Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
Hit a local school yard/playing field with model remote planes buzzing over head. Sort of neat. Freedom 3 Plus was humming with the usual coins being located. Then this idiot tears through the school yard unto the playing field and stops his car having almost made me do the "dodo in your pants dance." Not too bad yet. A few kids on bicycles arrived and started doing wheelies. Still not that bad! Then this ar$e in the car along with his son exit the vehicle, go to the trunk and pull out a pellet rifle. Lord love a duck. Next thing I know they are blasting away at a stick with a paper target on it as the kids on the bike drive about! Where in the halibut was that guy's brain?
Had to laugh after I found this item.
I guess this was sign it was time to leave before I shot my face off . Hit a shoreline park with only seagulls to contend with while quota was completed. Bit of a surprise as the shoreline gave up a 1910 silver fish scale five cent piece.
Had to laugh after I found this item.
I guess this was sign it was time to leave before I shot my face off . Hit a shoreline park with only seagulls to contend with while quota was completed. Bit of a surprise as the shoreline gave up a 1910 silver fish scale five cent piece.