Leslie(nova scotia)
Well-known member
From the land of the Bluenose.....our hot streak continued today with the humidity almost unbearable. After Marie and done the dew that required doing she suggested that we go to the beach.....I suggested that we take he sister Cathy and away we did go. Arrived at Dollar Lake Provincial Park and the place was hopping!

We did find a shady spot and I immediately went aquatic with my trusty Seahunter MK11 hanging from the hip. The girls....well they did what girls do at a beach......got me me son!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scoffed a few coin spills as I dodged the crowd and questions in the water. One little rugrat with bug eyed water glasses actually dove under the water and grabbed my coil! Let me tell you the first thought that went through this bouys mind, as it may be, was to put my feet on his back and hold him under say for...............ten minutes..fleeting thought as I gave my machine a quick tug which seemed to shake off the "leech.". He came to the surface and I gave him the thousand yard stare from 2 feet! He left.
Girls were having a photo shoot............Lord love a duck!
Cathy Marie's sister who seldom goes to the beach.

Hunny bunny hamming it up...and nicely I might add.

The Bluenoser a swishing and looking like a grounded flounder....knee held up today!

Anyway after a tad we packed up and left. Drop Cathy off, dropped Marie off,picked up my Freedom 3 Plus and hit the UN field (United Nations) which was , as usual infested with rug ruts from every corner of the globe. Today they left me alone as a birthday party was going on for one of them. So it was to the field, to the basketball court, across the street for the cake. back across the street and so on. Well they weren't bugging me and I was awaiting for some fresh road kill to happen. Let me tell you me son the parents didn't seem to care that their off shoots were playing traffic roulette Russian style. Speaking of roulette and gambling dug up my first ever Nova Scotia casino token today. Ran out of juice and missed quota by a few with the fridge now missing a few......Molson Canadian brewskies with more surely to disappear!

We did find a shady spot and I immediately went aquatic with my trusty Seahunter MK11 hanging from the hip. The girls....well they did what girls do at a beach......got me me son!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scoffed a few coin spills as I dodged the crowd and questions in the water. One little rugrat with bug eyed water glasses actually dove under the water and grabbed my coil! Let me tell you the first thought that went through this bouys mind, as it may be, was to put my feet on his back and hold him under say for...............ten minutes..fleeting thought as I gave my machine a quick tug which seemed to shake off the "leech.". He came to the surface and I gave him the thousand yard stare from 2 feet! He left.
Girls were having a photo shoot............Lord love a duck!
Cathy Marie's sister who seldom goes to the beach.

Hunny bunny hamming it up...and nicely I might add.

The Bluenoser a swishing and looking like a grounded flounder....knee held up today!

Anyway after a tad we packed up and left. Drop Cathy off, dropped Marie off,picked up my Freedom 3 Plus and hit the UN field (United Nations) which was , as usual infested with rug ruts from every corner of the globe. Today they left me alone as a birthday party was going on for one of them. So it was to the field, to the basketball court, across the street for the cake. back across the street and so on. Well they weren't bugging me and I was awaiting for some fresh road kill to happen. Let me tell you me son the parents didn't seem to care that their off shoots were playing traffic roulette Russian style. Speaking of roulette and gambling dug up my first ever Nova Scotia casino token today. Ran out of juice and missed quota by a few with the fridge now missing a few......Molson Canadian brewskies with more surely to disappear!